Latin name: Swietenia macrophylla, Swietenia humilis
Origin: South America
Characteristics: Color is pale pink to red-brown in color and varies greatly by area. True connoisseurs of mahogany believe the best material came out of the north of Brazil. It was very rich in color, smooth textured and consistent other than some logs that developed a blister pattern. The Brazilian Mahogany has been banned from export to the United States and very little true Brazilian Mahogany exists in the United States today. Veneer and veneer logs are now coming from plantation grown material in India and from Central America. The wood appearance and texture is completely different being a more yellow to orange color often with large pin knots and can contain small black pores “pepper “which is generally less desirable. Unfortunately, the generic name “Mahogany” is used for many wood species diluting the value of ‘true’ Mahogany.
Use: Architectural woodwork, custom fine furniture and musical instruments.